Men’s Work and Masculinity
We’ve been hearing the phrase “toxic masculinity” for years now…
…but what does it mean? And why should we care?
Men in western cultures are taught to keep themselves separate. We’re driven away from healthy connection with other people, ourselves, and the greater world we exist within. We’re led to believe we must behave in entitled or controlling ways that threaten our relationships and therefore our own well-being (and a lot more). Achieving success in this context is considered manly. Those who don’t want to be “one of those guys” tend to feel lost, lacking healthy alternatives.
Muscular - Stoic - Fearless - Honorable - Determined - Selfless
This is how a man should be, right?
It’s not that simple.
What if being a man, meant being fully yourself…
…showing up as fully you?
Toxic Masculinity is rooted in the fact that we as men have lost our way.
If you or a man you know is struggling to find his way, I’d like to help.
We’re not meant to do this alone.
“I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections.
and it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill.
I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self,
and the wounds to the soul take a long, long time, only time can help
and patience, and a certain difficult repentance
long difficult repentance, realization of life’s mistake, and the freeing oneself
from the endless repetition of the mistake
which mankind at large has chosen to sanctify.”
― D.H. Lawrence

This may be for you if:
You’re struggling to feel connected in relationship
You’re going through big life challenges and need somewhere to process without feeling judged
You don’t know how to identify your emotions and feelings
You want growth and transformation in your life
You want to broaden your understanding of the struggles you face and learn to navigate them
You’re ready to make changes and want support, accountability, and guidance.
As a facilitator, I’ve been struck by Rainer’s ability to not shy away from the questions others may not be willing to ask. I appreciate his ability to poke/prod with just the right amount of challenge to feel just the right amount of discomfort. Not many facilitators do this, they either play too safe or provoke indiscriminately.
- Richard G.
It is clear that Rainer carries a lot of wisdom to help men find and listen to their inner voices, allowing embedded patriarchical beliefs to gently subside for inspiring new insights.
- Tom A, Architect, Lecturer in Architecture