Rainer Baumorr
“The world is made of stories. Good stories are hard to come by, and a good story that you can honestly call your own is an incredible gift. These stories are part of a big story that connects us all.”
—Gary Snyder
Men’s Work - Bard - Healing Arts
I help those struggling in life find peace and courage, so they can return to the joy of living.
I help those who’ve experienced trauma confront it, so they can move forward with confidence.
I help men experience more connection by getting them in touch with their gifts, wounds, and inner wisdom.
I support men in shedding old patterns, so they can step confidently into who they are meant to be.
I weave myth and story into everything I offer, to honor the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.
Testimonials #1
The process around feeling and releasing trauma in the body while being gently held by another feels exquisitely vulnerable and Rainer holds space with curiosity, intuition, tenderness and an awareness of the sacredness of this type of healing. He has a way of being attuned where I feel like he is quietly walking alongside me, offering a grounded presence as I lean into the discomfort. Much of what I have experienced in our time together has led to deeper somatic awareness and intentional care for my body, as well as offering up reflections to process in my therapy sessions. I have deep gratitude for Rainer being a safe, caring, and deeply compassionate presence on my healing path.
Shay, Licensed Therapist
Testimonial #2
As a facilitator, I’ve been struck by his ability to not shy away from the questions others may not be willing to ask. I appreciate his ability to poke/prod with just the right amount of challenge to feel just the right amount of discomfort. Not many facilitators do this, they either play too safe or provoke indiscriminately.
Richard G.
Testimonial #3
It is clear that Rainer carries a lot of wisdom to help men find and listen to their inner voices, allowing embedded patriarchical beliefs to gently subside for inspiring new insights.
Tom A, Architect, Lecturer in Architecture
Testimonials #4
"My work with Ben and Somatic Experiencing has been deeply transformative. This modality feels like a generative coalescence of talk therapy, meditation, mindful movement such as Yoga or Qi Gong, and Internal Family Systems (parts work) - braided into a gentle, accessible, enlivening approach to healing. I especially appreciate the emphasis on subtlety of sensation and anchoring into what feels good, engaging with trauma or big feelings slowly with tenderness and compassion rather than intensity and zeal. Ben is a gifted guide and facilitator, leading with his heart and remarkable attunement. I felt deftly held throughout each of our sessions and was met with kindness and non-judgement in my most vulnerable places. In addition to Somatic Experiencing, Ben's mythopoetic leanings weave in insightful elements of story, symbolism, and our inherent connection to each other, our histories, and the Earth."
Alexa Lux, Singer and Community Song Leader